

Cafe Tables > Design  > ADA Guidelines for Small Businesses

ADA Guidelines for Small Businesses

These guidelines are provided by ADA Guidelines for Small Business.* They are for restaurants that have tables attached to the floor or wall.** Five percent of your tables, or at least one if less than twenty tables provided, must be wheelchair accessible. Seating must be available (movable chairs) to accommodate those with disabilities. Be sure to provide a 36” minimum route between seating areas. This also applies for outdoor areas such as patios, picnic areas, and playgrounds.

Table Specification Guidelines:

Table height: 34” maximum, 28” minimum
Knee clearance (from floor to bottom of table surface): 27” minimum
Floor clearance (from base to table edge): 19” minimum
Clear floor area: 30” wide by 48” in length

**This does not include most of our customers. Some inspectors interpret this differently.
